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Creating a business invoice & expense
Creating a business invoice & expense

How to send business invoices and manage the expenses for better budgets.

Updated over a week ago

Simplify your finances with Oxygen's invoices and expenses features

In today's dynamic business landscape, managing your business’ finances efficiently is crucial to success.

Oxygen recognizes the unique and diverse financial needs of businesses, freelancers and entrepreneurs across industries. Oyxgen invoices and expenses features can help you streamline your financial operations. In this guide, we'll go over how to use this powerful tool, step-by-step, to help you make the most of it.

Let’s get started.

Accessing Oxygen’s invoicing and expenses features

Log in to your Oxygen account and find the "Invoices" section. This feature is only available with a business account.

Creating an invoice

Oxygen simplifies invoicing. Click “Invoices” then click "Create new" and follow these steps to create an invoice:

  • Choose the type of invoice: invoice, estimate or proposal.

  • Fill out the “bill to” section and add your client.

  • Add your items/expenses.

  • Add other details like your tax amount (%) .

  • Input any past due options.

  • Select the payment method.

  • Hit send.


Enhance your invoices by attaching relevant files. This feature is ideal for sharing additional details or proof of service.

Due dates and late fees

Encourage prompt payments by setting firm due dates. Apply late fees for overdue invoices to motivate timely payments.

Efficient expense management

When creating a new invoice/proposal/estimate, you can attach receipts or documents to your expenses for organized record keeping.

Manually adding expenses:

  • Visit the "Invoices" section.

  • Click "Add new expense."

  • Fill in details such as the expense name and price.

  • Attach files or receipts.

Budgeting advantages

Sending invoices from within the Oxygen platform can help make tracking your income and expenses easier. As a budgeting tool, this can help you better monitor your financial health and effectively set spending limits and budgets for various expense categories.

Tax-friendly features

With your banking and invoicing information in Oxygen, you can organize your financial records effectively and simplify your tax preparation and filing. Use the “Statements” feature for reports and the “Analytics” feature for accurate tax calculations and reporting.

Advanced features

To save time and effort after creating your first invoice, you can simply duplicate the template for all of your additional invoices and track them as expenses.

Oxygen has got your back in life and business

Oxygen's invoices and expenses features can be an important financial ally.

Whether you're a business owner, freelancer or simply someone looking to gain greater control of your finances, Oxygen offers the tools you need, all in one app. Start using this feature and many more in your Oxygen app today to help optimize your financial operations and propel your financial success.

Still have questions about invoicing and expense tracking in Oxygen?

Invoicing and expenses FAQ

Q1: What is the purpose of Oxygen’s invoicing features?

Oxygen’s invoicing and expense features are designed to help business account holders manage their invoices, estimates and proposals. These features help you bill clients, track payments and efficiently manage your financial records.

Q2: Who can access Oxygen’s invoicing features?

Invoicing and expenses features are available exclusively to users with an active Oxygen business deposit account.

Q3: How can I access a record of all my invoices in Oxygen?

You can access a list of all your invoices, including unpaid, paid, drafts, and archived invoices, from your invoices dashboard in the “Invoices” section of the app or web.

Q4: Can I search for a specific invoice?

Yes, you can search for a specific invoice using the search feature within your invoices, estimates and proposals lists.

Q5: Is it possible to filter my invoices list based on certain criteria?

Yes, you can filter your invoices record by various categories, including sent date and payment status. You can also apply multiple filters to narrow down your search.

You should note that payment status is available on both Oxygen’s mobile and web platforms, while the sending date is available on Oxygen’s web platform only.

Q6. What information is displayed for each individual invoice in my list?

You can view the following details for each invoice in your list:

  • Invoice number

  • Client's full name

  • Invoice status (sent, paid and draft)

  • Amount (including full invoice amount, amount paid or partially paid)

  • Payment information based on the invoice status (due date, paid on date)

Oxygen website invoice list details:

  • Date sent/created

  • Invoice number

  • Due date (if any)

  • Client's name

  • Invoice status

  • Amount (including full amount, amount paid or partially paid)

Oxygen app invoice list details:

  • Date sent/created

  • Invoice number

  • Due date (if any)

  • Date paid (if invoice status is paid)

  • Amount (including full amount, amount paid or partially paid)

Q7: How are invoices sorted?

Your invoices list is sorted by date, from the most recently sent to the latest. The sorting order may vary based on the selected categories.

Q8: What if I have no invoices in my list?

If your invoices list is empty, you can proceed directly to creating a new invoice.

Q9: How do I create a new invoice in Oxygen?

You can create a new invoice in the Oxygen app or on the website from the “Invoices” section. You can also create estimates and proposals from these sections, if needed.

Q10: What information do I need to provide for a new invoice?

When creating an invoice, you'll need the following details:

  • Client’s information

  • List of items or expenses

  • Invoice due date

  • Late fee (if applicable)

  • Payment method for the recipient

Q11: Can I set a due date for the invoice?

Yes, you may set a due date for the invoice. By default, the due date is pre-set to the day following the current date, but you can change this due date to your preferred date.

Q12: What is a late fee, and how can I specify it within an invoice?

A late fee is an additional amount that the invoice recipient has to pay if they pay the invoice after your specified due date. You can set the late fee as a percentage of the invoice amount or a fixed dollar amount.

Q13: Can I set automatic past due reminders for an invoice?

Yes, you can enable or disable automatic past due reminders for an invoice. When enabled, the system sends email reminders to the receiver according to the schedule you set.

Q14: What payment methods are available for the invoice recipient?

The only available payment method for an invoice recipient is credit card payment via Stripe. You can choose whether you or the recipient pays the processing fee.

Q15: Can I enable or disable payment methods for an invoice?

Yes, you can enable or disable payment methods as needed. The system will remember your choices as defaults for future invoices.

Q16: Can I send an invoice without offering a payment option?

No, you cannot send an invoice without specifying a payment option for the recipient.

Q17: How can I add a new expense manually to an invoice?

To manually add a new expense to an existing invoice, you must specify the following details in the items/expenses section of the invoice:

  • Expense name

  • Expense price

  • Optionally attach a file to the expense

Q18: Can I attach a file to an expense, and what happens to the attached file?

Yes, you can attach files to an expense. The attached files will be included in the email when you send the invoice.

Q19: Can I delete an attached file before saving the expense?

Yes, you can delete the attached file before saving the expense.

Q20: Is the uploaded file scanned for viruses, and is it necessary for the file to pass the virus scan?

Yes, the uploaded file is scanned for viruses, and it must pass the virus scan successfully to be considered uploaded.

Q21: What happens if I enter invalid data when creating an expense manually?

If you enter invalid data or leave out required fields when creating an expense manually, a validation error will be shown. The system will not allow you to save the changes and add the expense to a document until valid data is entered.

Q22: What happens when an expense is successfully created manually?

When an expense is successfully created manually:

  • The expense is added to the document.

  • The system informs you about it with a toast message.

  • The expense is saved as a template in the list of items/expenses.

Q23: Can I go back to the List of Expenses at any point during expense creation?

Yes, at any point during expense creation, you can go back to the List of Expenses.

Q24: How can I create a new expense from a previous invoice, proposal or expense?

To create a new expense, you can switch to see the list of Client expenses or All transactions, depending on your preference. You can create new invoices/estimates/proposals by duplicating the existing one. Also you can convert any object into another object, like converting an estimate into an invoice.

Q25: What information is displayed in the list of transactions when creating expenses "from transaction?"

The list of transactions includes the following details for each transaction:

  • Logo

  • Transaction name

  • Category

  • Amount

  • Date

  • Transactions are sorted by date from the most recent to the least recent and are divided by date.

Q26: What happens if there are no transactions in the list when creating expenses "from transaction?"

If there are no transactions in the list, you will see an empty state based on the design.

Q27: Can I select and add multiple transactions to the document as expenses?

Yes, you can select several transactions at the same time and add them to the document as expenses. The total number of selected transactions is displayed in the Add button.

Q28: What happens when I add selected transactions as expenses?

While creating a new invoice, add a new expanse and choose "From transactions". This will show you the list of all recent transactions, and you'll be able to select any of them.

Q29: Can I add expenses from a previously saved list of expenses?

Yes, you can choose to add an expense from a previously saved list of expenses.

Q30: What data is pre-filled when adding expenses from a saved template?

When adding expenses from a saved template, you can see pre-filled data from the template.

Q31: Can I edit the expense template before adding it to the document?

Yes, you can edit the expense template before adding it to the document, and any changes you make will be saved to the template.

Q32: What happens when expenses are added to the document from a saved template?

When expenses are added to the document from a saved template:

  • Each expense can be seen in the list.

  • Each added transaction is saved as a template in the list of all expenses.

  • The system informs you about the success of this action with a toast message.

Q33: How do I contact the Business team?

You can contact our business team by emailing

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