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OTags in Oxygen Friends
OTags in Oxygen Friends

Simplify sharing expenses with Oxygen Friends.

Updated over a week ago

If you're looking for an easy way to coordinate sharing expenses, simplify sending and receiving money with friends and family, or want to stay connected with your Oxygen community—all within your Oxygen app—check out Oxygen’s built-in cash app, Oxygen Friends.

Using Oxygen Friends couldn’t be easier, and it all starts with your OTag, a unique and customizable username that simplifies your transactions and communication. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about OTags and explain how they help enhance your Oxygen Friends experience.

The benefits of using OTags

Taking full advantage of your OTag features when sending and receiving money in your Oxygen Friends network is easy:

  1. Simplified transactions: OTags make transactions with friends straightforward and hassle-free.

  2. Easy, accurate identification: Easily identify yourself and your connections within the Oxygen community.

  3. Effortless bill splitting: Coordinate expenses and split bills, send gifts and connect seamlessly with your Oxygen Friends.

Creating your OTag

Your OTag is automatically generated based on your first and last name. If there are multiple users with the same name, a unique number is added to ensure your OTag is one of a kind.

You can change your OTag anytime by going to “More,” then "See profile" at the top of the app. Tap the pencil to edit your OTag. Keep in mind that your OTag can be up to 32 characters in length and should not include special symbols or spaces.

Managing your OTag

  • Solo OTags

    Each Oxygen user has only one OTag, which i based on their first and last name.

  • Changing your OTag

    While there's no specific limit to how many times you can change your OTag, it's not recommended to do so frequently. Frequent changes can lead to confusion and affect security.

Finding and sharing your OTag

Finding and sharing your OTag is a breeze:

  • Locating your OTag

    Your OTag information is conveniently displayed on your account "Overview" screen, including your name, OTag, and QR code. On the Overview screen, click the QR code icon in the top right corner of the app.

  • Sharing your OTag

    You can easily share your OTag by copying it, sending it via Oxygen messengers, or using your mobile phone's camera to scan someone's QR code from your Oxygen Friends network.

Using OTags in chats

OTags enhance your Oxygen Friends chat experience:

  • Mentions

    In one-on-one and group chats, you can mention other users by including a "$" sign followed by their OTag in your chat message.

  • Quick access

    In group chats, typing "$" displays a list of participating group members, simplifying the selection of users to mention.

  • Tagging notifications

    When someone mentions you using your OTag in a chat, you'll receive a notification that allows you to quickly find and access the chat.

  • Contact details

    Users tagged in a chat can see the details of the contact who mentioned them using their OTag, ensuring accurate communication.

  • Flexible mentions

    OTags can be used to tag Oxygen users who may not necessarily be part of a specific chat, making it easy to connect, share information, and initiate transactions.

In a nutshell, OTags are your gateway to simplified transactions and enhanced connections within the Oxygen community. They provide a quick and convenient way to connect and interact with friends, making financial transactions and communication a breeze.

Here we answer any questions you may have for OTags

Q: What is OTag, and how does it work?

  • When using the Oxygen Friends feature in your Oxygen app to coordinate expenses with friends and send and receive money, your OTag is a unique username of your choosing that you customize to help others find you and help maintain your preferred level of privacy (Think of it like an Instagram handle.).

  • You’ll share your OTag when using unique Oxygen Friends’ features such as splitting bills, sending OGifts, chatting with your connections and more.

In a nutshell: OTag simplifies connecting with your Oxygen Friends and helps make transactions easy, accurate and straightforward within the Oxygen platform.

Q: What are the benefits of using OTag when sending and receiving money with my Oxygen Friends network?

  • Using OTag simplifies transactions with friends, allows for easy identification, and makes it easier to split bills, send gifts and connect within the Oxygen community.

In a nutshell: OTags accurately and easily identify you and your connections when using Oxygen Friends.

Q: How do I create my OTag?

  • Your initial OTag is automatically generated based on your first and last name. If there are multiple users with the same name, the system adds a number at the end of your OTag to ensure it’s one of a kind. You can change your automatically generated OTag by going to More > your “SeeMy profile” section in the Oxygen app. The maximum length for an OTag is 32 characters, and you can’t use special symbols or spaces.

In a nutshell: Automatically generated OTags are user-friendly and memorable, but you can change your OTag, if you like, as long as your requested OTag meets specified criteria.

Q: Can I have multiple OTags?

  • No, each user is assigned a unique OTag based on their first and last name. You can change your OTag in the profile section of your Oxygen app.

In a nutshell: Each Oxygen user has only one OTag.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of times I can change my OTag?

  • There is no specific limit to the number of times you can change your OTag, but it's not recommended to use this feature often in order to help maintain security and avoid confusion.

In a nutshell: Your OTag is how your Oxygen network finds and communicates with you. Making frequent changes to your OTag is not recommended.

Q: How will I be notified about my OTag?

  • You'll receive a push notification when this feature is available to you. After opening the Oxygen app, you'll see a pop-up notification about your OTag. You can also change your OTag by going to More > and clicking the "Edit tag" button under “SeeMy profile.”

In a nutshell: You’ll be informed about this useful feature through your notifications.

Q: Can I change my OTag after creating it?

  • Yes, you can change your OTag by going to the "SeeMy Profile" section in the app and clicking “Edit tag.” Just make sure that your new OTag meets the criteria specified.

In a nutshell: Although we automatically generate an OTag for you initially, your OTag is up to you and can be changed to make it easier to remember or more unique to your needs.

Q: Where can I find my OTag in the Oxygen app?

  • Your OTag information is conveniently located on your account “Overview” screen. Your “Overview” summary includes your name, OTag and QR code. From the Overview screen, tap the QR code in the top right corner of the app.

In a nutshell: Your OTag information is easily accessible anytime for quick sharing and transactions.

Q: What should I do if I forget my OTag?

  • If you forget your OTag, you can easily find the QR codeit on the Overview screen in your Oxygen app in the top right corner.

In a nutshell: Your OTag is always easily accessible in the Oxygen app.

Q: Is my OTag visible to everyone within the Oxygen community?

  • No, your OTag information will only be visible to the people you share it with and your contacts in Oxygen Friends.

In a nutshell: Anyone can find and connect with you using your correct OTag.

Q: How do I share my OTag?

  • Sharing your OTag is effortless. You can copy it, share it via the Oxygen app or use your mobile phone’s camera to scan someone’s QR code from your Oxygen Friends network.

In a nutshell: Your OTag can be shared easily to send and request money with your Oxygen Friends network or to communicate about shared expenses.

Q: How can I find my QR code when sharing my OTag?

  • Your QR code is readily available in the Oxygen app from your “Overview” screen.

In a nutshell: QR codes are designed for quick sharing.

Q: What happens when I scan someone's QR code?

  • By scanning someone’s QR code using your Oxygen app, you’ll quickly be able to see their contact details and connect with them. If the person doesn't have an Oxygen account, you'll be informed that the user cannot be found.

In a nutshell: QR code scanning simplifies adding someone to your Oxygen Friends network and initiating transactions.

Q: Can I search for other Oxygen users using their OTags?

  • Yes, you can find Oxygen users by searching for their OTags. Go to the Friends tab > tap the + symbol in the top right > tap “Add new contact” and search using phone number, email or $OTag. This is in addition to existing search options like phone number or email address.

In a nutshell: OTag search makes it easier to find your connections within the Oxygen community.

Q: What if I enter an incorrect or nonexistent OTag?

  • If you enter an incorrect OTag or one that doesn't exist, you'll receive an error message. This is one way the system ensures accurate connections. Double-check with your friend or family member to be sure you’re using their correct OTag.

In a nutshell: OTags help ensure you’re connecting with the right Oxygen user.

Q: Can I mention someone by using their OTag in chats?

  • Yes, you can mention someone in one-on-one or group chats by using the "$" symbol followed by their OTag (in the same way you use the “@” symbol before someone’s Instagram handle).

In a nutshell: Easy tagging makes communication simple within the Oxygen app.

Q: Can I mention someone in a group chat using their OTag, even if they are not in my contacts list?

  • Yes, you can mention other Oxygen users using their OTag in group chats, even if they are not part of that chat or already in your Oxygen network.

In a nutshell: OTags allow you to find and connect with anyone using Oxygen.

Q: How can I ensure that my OTag link is secure when sharing it?

  • OTag links are secure for sharing, and they direct users to the appropriate Oxygen app or web page based on their account status.

Using OTags with your Oxygen Friends chat feature:

Oxygen OTags enhance the chat experience by providing a quick and convenient way to mention and connect with other users.

Here are some ways OTags work within the chat feature of your Oxygen app:

  1. Mentions

    In both one-on-one and group chats, you can mention other users using their OTag. To do this, you simply include a "$" sign followed by the user's OTag within the chat message. For example, if you want to mention a user with the OTag "annasmith55," you would type "$annasmith55" into your chat message.

  2. Quick access to group members

    When you enter a "$" sign in a group chat, your Oxygen app displays a list of the participating group members. This feature helps you easily select the user you want to mention in that chat.

  3. Tagging notification

    When a user is mentioned using their OTag in a chat, they receive a notification. They can quickly find the chat by clicking on the notification.

  4. Contact details

    Users who are tagged in a chat can see the details of the contact who mentioned them using the contact’s OTag. This allows for straightforward and accurate communication within Oxygen.

  5. Flexible mentions:

    In chats, OTags can be used to tag Oxygen users who may not necessarily be part of that one-on-one or group chat. This flexibility makes it easy to connect with others, share information and initiate transactions.

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